Wednesday, September 25, 2013

You Are Worthy!

We all want to be loved and deserved to be loved. Love when it’s genuine and reciprocated is a beautiful thing. Love between two people should be as natural as breathing. No forced emotions or pretentious reactions, just a peaceful calm in knowing that the love is true. Most of us dream of this kind of love, but very few of us ever experience it. Others have settled because it’s better to have something than nothing.

      Being single is a time to enjoy life,  getting to know yourself; your likes and dislikes, and if you're a Christian time to find out what God would have for you to do in your singleness but being single is definitely not the end of the world.

I can't imagine anything worse. Living a life of doom and gloom, staying with someone because you don't want to be alone, or staying with someone because you're hoping they'll love you. Even though every one of their actions has proven that they won't, will not, ever love you.

It’s tragic really, but that’s what some singles have reduced the love they hope for to, cheap thrills... Late night hook ups, no sleeping over, they can sleep with you but no one can know about you, no introductions to family members or friends, you never go out to eat because that's not the deal. Some call it friends with benefits, others sleeping buddies (I'm just being polite here), side-line thing, or pass time bunny.

                         Aren't you worth more than that?

              Why reduce yourselves to nothing more than objects to be used and discarded?

                         Surely you’re worth more than that!

      Knowing Who's you are, who you are, and learning to love yourself is the first step in the direction of discovering your worth. If you don't know who you are and you don't love yourself. No one else is going to want to know and love you the way you desire and deserve to be loved. I'm here to tell you that you're worth more than unworthiness. You're worthy!

              Worthy to be loved! Worthy to be considered! And Worthy to have your desires met!

You can't attract what you truly want in life if you are filled with self-hatred, self-pity, resentments, bitterness, discouragement, and doubt which are all negatives, because that is what you will attract.

      If you're a single man or woman reading this know that you are loved. God loves you and so do I. Start loving yourself today. Start by practicing this principles: -The Law of Attraction. Draw what you want towards you by being positive. Always expect the best and be the best yourself. God bless!