Monday, March 10, 2014

When Love Is What You Are After, Don't Settle For Less

We could spend our whole life good will hunting and still come up short when it comes to love. No one really wants to get hurt, but each time we put ourselves out there to the possibilities of love there is a chance for a happy ending or a broken heart around the corner.
      I’ve had my share of broken heart and each time I find myself asking this question. What is the mystery of love and why is it so elusive for some? Is there some secret ingredient to the process of finding and keeping love? I’m by no means an expert but I do believe that two people have to be in agreement on the course their relationship will take. Mutual Respect for each others boundaries, personalities, and flaws is a start in the right direction.
When we establish boundaries at the beginning of a relationship that is not an invitation to challenge those boundaries but it is an opportunity for us to accept and respect them. Personalities are either going to click or clash, for some that is a deal breaker, if it is, walk away.
      I'm not suggesting taking the easy way out because I've seen where walking away means remaining friends. The concept “Opposite Attract” does not always mean happily ever after. Sometimes it is a recipe for disaster. Now if you can work out your personality conflicts and forge a relationship, I say go for it.
None of us is perfect. We are all flawed creatures trying to find our way in this imperfect world. So if its perfection that you’re after you’re bound to be disappointed. Compatibility plays a big part as well. Just like cream and sugar goes perfect with coffee. Your mate and you need to vibe or you will have friction. Like oil and water, you will eventually separate.
      Spontaneity, every relationship needs it or the union will become stagnant. Chicken is by far one of my favorite things to eat, but I don’t want to eat it every day. Occasionally I need a spin on things. A relationship demands the same. Spontaneity doesn’t have to hold monetary value. The little things count in a big way.
True love is not pretentious and its value is priceless. When handled properly love can soar to its highest heights. For those of you who are lucky in-love and continue to fan the flames of love, thank you, because you give hope to those who still desire to get and keep love.