A Confident woman knows who she is
and doesn't need endorsement from others to be who she is. Her adage is “As
long as God approve of me then it is settled.” Confidence in God gives
you freedom from trying to please or impress people and leaves room for God to
use you powerfully. We all should aspire to be use powerfully by God, to influence
others and draw them nearer to Him.
A Confident woman will not allow a man, or
anyone to define her. A woman who relies on people or a man to love and to see
her value will always be chasing down someone to fulfill what she
deems lacking in her life instead of looking within to the value already
placed deep inside of her. When you place value on yourself and you know your
value, you will attract and draw the right people into your life.
A Confident woman enjoys her life
every chance she gets. She is not worried about what others will think if they
see her out alone enjoying dinner or movie. She is comfortable in her own skin
and company. When you can enjoy your own company, you learn so much about
yourself. It is a wondrous feeling.
A Confident woman is not afraid to try new
things: A new class, reading a new book, or going on a trip. She is Renaissance
A Confident woman is self-reliant.
Fixing something that breaks around the house is not a problem she cannot
handle. Making trips to the hardware story is not new to her. The minor
inconvenience gives her an opportunity to check out what new handy tools that
she can add to her toolbox.
A Confident woman will not make a habit of
placing herself in a position for others to take care of her. She appreciates
the good things that people do for her because that lets her know they care,
but she will not need them to take care of her.
A Confident woman does not live in
fear or the past. She is not afraid to look fear in the face and move ahead
anyway, because she recognizes that fear is the number one killer of dreams and
goals and her past is just that her past. You cannot move forward in life if
you are constantly living in your past, doing this will only hold you
A Confident woman will only remain in
situations and around people who values, celebrates, and appreciates her. She
is not afraid to walk her path alone, because in essence she is never