Saturday, November 2, 2013

Let's Talk About Love

 Today I want to talk about love and the many changes that it has brought me through personally. It is so easy to love people when they are on their best behavior, when they fit into your sphere of things or when your spirit vibe with theirs, but let them cross you and that love goes flying out the window. Many, if not all of us have been guilty of unloving behavior towards others, but as Christians this should not be.
     Perhaps some of the reasons for our actions could be that somewhere along this journey to follow Christ we got side tracked, got weary, experienced hurt too many times, or we just don’t want to be hurt again so we lash out first. There are many reasons. I could come up with a few and I’m sure you could come up with some as well. I love this scripture and I try my very best to follow its instructions especially on those days when I'm feeling unloved and unloving. 
      “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another.” Romans 12:9.
For how can we say we love God (unconditionally), but hate our brothers and sisters? If most of us are honest we would admit that we love God on conditions sometimes. I had to look inward and asked myself that question and as I answered, I realized that I have put conditions on loving God, and others. I've had to reflect on the way I have treated others in the past and in the present and I have to say no, I do not fully love God as I should, because if I did I would not feel hate towards people who are made into his image.
As you read this, take some time to reflect on the image of love that you show to others and then ask yourself.           
                        Am I really loving God, self, and others the way I should?

      “If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar, for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?” 1 John 5:20
Our hearts are so deceptive that hate is sometimes disguise as intolerance, annoyance, malice, hypocrisy, personality conflict the list of hate disguised is long and if we're not careful to be honest with ourself, we will make excuses to justify our behavior. 
Let me close this by saying that the message here today is not for judgment, but it is a wakeup call to those who make up the body of Christ. God calls us to love one another as he has loved us.

1 comment:

cboogie said...

Love should be the easiest concept to grasp, yet it is so hard to put in practice. True agape love is the love that Christ has for all of creation and that which we should emulate towards those around, but regrettably often times don't. I was just having a conversation with a friend the other day. When we are children our eyes and ears are somewhat closed to chaos and worldy happenings, it's easy to accept, to love, to care. As we mature and get older, and are exposed to danger, hurt, ect. we methodically begin to build defenses and attach conditions to objects and people. It is because of this pitfalls, that impede us from loving as freely and openly as we should. Often times we hide behind the guise that we have to protect ourselves, and while this is true(God has equipped us with the necessary resources to function in this world)we have to tap into the understanding that God is the supreme ruler and if He provides for the sparrow in the sky, how much more will He provide for His children. Love like you've never been hurt. Easier said than done, but it shouldn't stop us from trying.